Go Green

I keep finding more and more that the real estate industry isn’t very green… but it’s very slacking of effort if you ask me. The simple utilization of Adobe Professional (for completing forms and applying signatures) could cut down on well… how many trees we’re cutting down.

Here are some simple, but easily forgettable if we don’t remind ourselves, tips of how to go even just a little green on a limited small business budget from Expert Business Source – check ’em out!

As I noted in the comments on the EBS article, here are a few more simple additions that I’ve implemented myself: a great scanner and Adobe Pro (so you can complete forms, sign them, and email them right back) to cut down on the paper trail, ink, printer power, etc.

Lisa Jeffries Nobling

Posted by Lisa Jeffries Nobling

A good old-fashioned Southern girl - at home in the modern world.