Women Supporting Women in Climate Tech

When women support women, incredible things happen! Last night, my colleague MeLissa and I from Raleighwood had the honor of attending the “Climate Tech Connect: Networking and the Future of Climate Tech in NC” event at The Frontier RTP. Hosted by Women+ in Climate Tech, the gathering brought together women from diverse backgrounds and industries, all driven by a shared passion for addressing climate change through technological innovation. The event was a truly empowering experience, featuring insightful talks, panel discussions, and networking sessions that left attendees feeling invigorated and determined to advocate for a sustainable, equitable future in North Carolina.

Before getting into the details, let me introduce the host: Women+ in Climate Tech. Consisting of more than 2,500 members worldwide, Women+ in Climate Tech is a global network of entrepreneurs, sustainability experts, and other climate professionals who strongly believe that having diverse leadership leads to more effective and equitable solutions for combating the climate crisis. They strive to promote the voices of women in the field and advocate for investment in a wider range of founders and professionals committed to combating the most significant challenge facing our planet. Talk about empowering!

The event was a smashing success, showcasing the future of Climate Tech in North Carolina through inspiring discussions led by intelligent and motivational women committed to driving positive change. These leaders shared their experiences, backgrounds, and enthusiasm for catalyzing change within the North Carolina community. One key takeaway from the discussions that really stood out to me was the power of having meaningful conversations with others. These conversations can play a significant role in raising awareness about climate tech and inspiring more people to join the movement.

The Frontier RTP workspace was also impressive and the perfect place to host this event! Located centrally in the Triangle, The Frontier RTP provides growing businesses access to meeting and office spaces, educational opportunities, and networking events. Its focus on innovation and collaboration makes it an ideal destination for like-minded individuals to connect and grow their businesses. One particular program called RTP180, was highlighted as offering valuable learning opportunities for the community. Those interested can sign up for the newsletter to stay informed about upcoming opportunities!

Overall, the event was an absolute blast, brimming with energy and inspiration! As an attendee, I was in awe of the passion and dedication of everyone involved. It was truly empowering to be surrounded by like-minded individuals committed to making a difference. Leaving the event, I felt eager to learn more about the Climate Tech space and to share my experience with others.

Peyton Tucker
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