The Fray Goes Green

I love it when the big boys get “green” right – mostly because they’re creating impressions on such a large audience!

Via email last week from one of my favorite bands, The Fray:

The Fray is excited to continue our partnership with environmental group, REVERB, to “green” this summer’s tour. We know that there is a lot of hype and trend going around these days attached to anything with “green” in the title, but this is something we genuinely believe is important and needs attention. We’re bringing out local non-profit groups to each show in the Eco-Village to put you closer to the solution, with no big corporations pedaling the latest junk you should or shouldn’t buy. And in addition to a number of efforts backstage, we have created a special on-line fan carpooling service for this tour so you can bum rides off friendly folks and save some CO2 emissions in the process. If you’d like to sign up to volunteer, please click HERE.

If you’re interested in knowing more and becoming involved, check out The Fray’s greening website.

-David, The Fray, and REVERB

Well done guys! I hope to see them again on this tour. I got the chance to see them my senior year of college at Koka Booth in Cary… and it was FANTASTIC!!

Lisa Jeffries Nobling

Posted by Lisa Jeffries Nobling

A good old-fashioned Southern girl - at home in the modern world.